Hey Healthy Eaters, start eating food that contains high folic acid

We all know vitamins and minerals are encouraged to take or consume daily. But some of these important vitamins are hidden in foods that we did not even know existed. All these vitamins are essential to daily nutrition plan or exercises. Without proper nutrition and enforcement of the right amount of each vitamin, our body could easily start to attack themselves, or adverse effects. Common underrated vitamin Folate. Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin that is naturally present in some foods, added to a number of other nutritious foods, and may also be available as a dietary supplement. It is estimated the amount of folic acid that can be consumed and stored in the body to be 10 to 30 mg. Half of this amount if stored in the liver and the other half is in blood and tissues of the body. Lack of dietary folate leads to folate deficiency which can be very harmful to the body. This deficiency can lead to many health problems. The famous is the neural tube in the developing embryo. Many doctors advise women who are pregnant to consume foods with high levels of folic acid for this reason.

Folic acid is found in many different foods that many of us eat every day. Sources of this vitamin are grains, baked goods, fresh vegetables (spinach, broccoli, lettuce), Okra, asparagus, fruits (bananas, melons, lemons), legumes, yeast, mushrooms, organ meats (beef liver, kidney), orange juice and tomato juice. Another benefit of folic acid has already taken the childbearing years, it can help reduce the risk of neural tube defects. This so-called defect corrected when other counties decided to add it to their wheat and corn.

Let’s not forget that folate is important in the creation of red blood cells. This vitamin will help keep a lot of healthy red blood cells when it’s time to workout! The body does not get enough folic acid you will be more susceptible to cancer. Let’s not forget that the white blood cells need healthy amount of folic acid in the body. Folic acid can help prevent homocysteine ​​build-in blood. It can support cell production, especially in the skin, prevent osteoporosis related fractures and including Alzheimer’s disease and, it is possible to allow the nerves to function properly. This vitamin will help change the body’s defense system.

When buying vitamins should never forget to take folic acid.

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